Educational Psychologist
ISHR is very lucky to be able to employ an Educational Psychologist and in doing so have placed a clear emphasis on the welfare of students at our school. There are many areas in School Counselling and Educational Psychology that can overlap, like providing individual and group counselling services to students, consulting with teachers on the best ways to support students in the classroom, and offering support and resources to parents.
Educational Psychologists have specialised training in child and adolescent development, mental health, school-based interventions, psychoeducational assessment and evaluation, and school law. Educational Psychologists are trained to determine how those elements interact to shape students’ behavior, learning, and overall adjustment within the context of both special and general education classrooms. The Educational Psychologist at ISHR provides the following services; collaborate with teachers, parents, and students to provide direct support and interventions to students, consultations with teachers, families, and other school-employed mental health professionals (i.e., school counsellors, school nurses) to improve support strategies, work with Senior Leadership (both Primary and Secondary) to improve school-wide practices and policies, collaborate with community providers to coordinate needed services for those who attend our school and deliver a full range of psychoeducational services: administering assessments and evaluations, helping write individual student’s goals and objectives, as well as behavioral intervention plans. With the rest of the WSST, the Educational Psychologist helps the ISHR community to successfully improve academic achievement, promote positive mental health, support a safe school climate, strengthen family-school and community partnerships, and monitor individual student progress in academics and behavior.