Diploma Programme
Grade 11 – 12
The students in the Secondary School follow the Middle Years Progranme (MYP) and the Diploma Programme (DP) of the IB Organisation. ISHR was first authorised by the IB to deliver the IB DP in 1999 and we believe that the framework provided by the IB: guides learners to be problem-solvers through critical and creative thinking; encourages life-long learning and curiosity; makes learning meaningful through action in the real-world; promotes internationalism; offers a flexibility to learning without compromising on rigour.
Our students are generally busy and productive young people who take part in a wide range of sporting activities and clubs, musical and theatrical productions, who participate willingly in the Community and Service programme and are active in the Student Council.
Our students are taught and encouraged to be responsible citizens with an awareness of global political, social and environmental issues, who can work independently as well as in a team, who can make informed choices and debate critically, who can communicate in more than one language and above all and who are open to new ideas and cultures.
For more information on what an IB education is, please click this link.
General IB Information
We currently have over 100 students from Grade 11 to Grade 12 in our IB Diploma Programme, joining a community of over 140 countries world wide. The IB Diploma Programme preparing students for effective participation in a rapidly evolving world, in which learning communities are created where students are able to increase their understanding of both language and culture, helping them to become more globally engaged.
As an IB Continuum school, the IB DP is the culminating experience for students in the IB Programme. It is designed for students aged 16 – 19 years old and is a two year programme, which naturally progresses on from the MYP. During this time, students develop both a breadth and depth of knowledge from the subjects they select, whilst being challenged: physically, intellectually, emotionally and ethically.
For more information about the IB Diploma Programme, please see the following:
The IB DP curriculum organises student learning around six main subject groups, as shown in the outer band of the IB DP diagram to the right, and different subjects are available for selection from within these subject groups. Students often have the option to take more than one course from each group. Each course is selected for two years and is assessed both internally by ISHR and also externally by the IB.
External assessment usually takes the form of written teses; which internal assessment varies depending on the nature of the subject, these can range from oral presentations, to practical work or written work. When students select their subjects, they select three Higher Level (HL) subjects and three Standard Level (SL) subjects. HL subjects have approximately 240 hours of classes over the two year, compared to 150 hours for SL subjects. For further information on the IB Diploma Programme, please see the IB DP at ISHR site here.
The Core
In addition to the six IB DP subjects, students also complete the Core of the programme, which consists of:
- Theory of Knowledge (TOK), in which students reflect on the nature of knowledge and how we know what we claim to know.
- The Extended Essay (EE), which is an independent, self-directed piece of research, finishing with a 4,000 word essay.
- Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS), in which students complete a project related to those three concepts.
Watch this video, DP Learners are Global citizens, to see teachers and students share how the Diploma Programme develops international mindedness and builds empathy. For DP information specific to ISHR’s students, please see the DP Core Kiosk, created by our faculty, that provides information about the Extended Essay, CAS, and Theory of Knowledge.
Recognition and Certification
On the IB website you can also investigate pathways to university and employment following from an IB education. Additionally, you can see how the IB Diploma is recognised in different countries throughout the world, both in comparison to national systems and also as an entrance qualification to university. For students want to study in Germany, the agreement from the Kultusministerkonferenz can also be accessed in German directly from the KMK.
General Information
Creativity. Activity. Service.
Joining an IB school means learning to care about and engage with the world around us, and at ISHR we believe it’s never too early for our students to make a difference. In an effort to foster the growth of engaged, active world citizens, our students engage in service projects.
University And Careers Counselling
At ISHR, we prepare our students for bright futures. Whether your child is considering a gap year, plans to head straight to university upon graduation, or none of the above, our full-time university and career counsellor will help your student explore suitable careers, discuss IB course selections, and assist with university or gap year information.