Friends of ISHR
“Friends of ISHR” is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving our school and student’s lives. Whether one’s donation is 10 or 100 euros, all funds have a direct impact on teaching and learning at our school, from assisting families with scholarship money to providing the funds to build our MakerSpace or the new Accelerator projects. Please consider giving to “Friends of ISHR” at any level; it makes a difference!
“Friends of ISHR” help ISHR in a number of ways: they have made possible the construction of our primary school MakerSpace; equipment for the HANOLE garden; science and technology equipment for our classrooms, and they provide student scholarships for families in need. Please read more about “Friends of ISHR” below.
You are invited to become a member of the international school community by joining “Friends of ISHR”. You will not only be supporting the continued growth of the school and making an important contribution to the economic infrastructure of the region, but you will also become a part of a dynamic network of internationally minded people.
Membership fees per year: (1st August – 31st July of the following year)
- Individual members: 100 € (min.); 200 €; 300 €; 400 €; other amount
- Nonprofit organizations: € 400 (min); other amount
- Businesses: € 800 (min); 2,000 €; 5,000 €; other amount
- ISHR Alumni (up to 10 years after graduation): 25 €; other amount
Der Beitrag pro Geschäftsjahr: (1. August – 31. Juli des folgenden Jahres)
- Natürliche Personen € 100,- (min.); 200 €; 300 €; 400 €; anderer Betrag
- Juristische Personen des Privatrechts, die als gemeinnützig anerkannt sind, sowie juristische Personen des Öffentlichen Rechts ohne Gewinnerzielungsabsicht € 400 (min); anderer Betrag
- Juristische Personen des Privatrechts und Handelsgesellschaften € 800 (min); 2,000 €; 5,000 €; anderer Betrag
- ISHR Alumni (bis zu 10 Jahre nach Schulabschluss): 25 €; andere Betrag
In order to become a member, please download and the membership form below and hand the filled form in via our Admin Office:
Bank Account
Förderverein der Internationalen Schule e. V.
IBAN DE 33 2505 0000 0101 4739 16
Institute: NordLB